Core Distribution Systems and Digital Grid Solutions

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Core Distribution Systemss

> Advanced Distribution Management Systems – ADMS are among the tools that distribution companies now turn to for help in managing the vast amount of data inherent in digital networks. These systems have several advantages – Monitoring, control and optimization of the operation of the distribution network; Analysis and management of distributed energy resources; Reduce network load, efficient use of assets, network efficiency and reliability.
> Asset Management Systems – AMS – The purpose of an AMS, or asset system, is to help companies keep track of fixed assets like IT equipment, industrial or manufacturing resources, vehicles, and other tools related to an organization’s ability to run operations and earn profit. AMS is any process a company or organization uses to keep track of the equipment and inventory vital to the day-to-day operation of their business.

> Distributed Energy Resource Management System – DERMS – Electricity consumers are seeking more control over their energy future and are driving the growing presence of DERs. This growth is disrupting utility operations, planning and the industry overall. And with the continued adoption of climate change mitigation policies and renewable energy goals, the adoption of DER will only increase. Our partner Schneider Electric offers EcoStruxure DERMS as a grid aware solution tailored for the utility to manage this disruption. With DER monitoring, forecasting and control at its core, DERMS enables critical capabilities including hosting capacity analysis, grid constraint management and usage of DER flexibility.

> AutoGrid Flex is an AI– driven distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) that makes it possible to harness, orchestrate, and optimize energy assets across all classes, device types, and use cases.

> Workforce Management Systems – WFM is the way in which employers strategically allocate people and resources, track attendance and comply with constantly changing workplace laws and regulations. Ultimately, the objectives are to optimize productivity and reduce risk.

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